Understanding relationships is what powers Relational Gravity’s ability to help any organization succeed.
That may be as simple as in-depth conversations with expert stakeholders, or complete positioning studies incorporating focus groups and survey research.
Relational Gravity’s Jeff Hutson is certified in conducting computer-aided focus groups and has completed the University of Georgia’s rigorous Principles of Market Research program. He’s also earned the Insights Professional Certification through the nation’s leading market research association.
How we’ve used market research
- Harnessing the power of engagement
- Targeting communication
- Understanding attitudes and perceptions of both employees and customers
- Financial well-being among employees, retirement plan participants, and consumers
- Measuring and improving customer satisfaction
- Assessing market share and position
- Identifying market targets and segments
- Evaluating product potential
- Learning from the voice of the customer
- Choice modeling (MaxDiff and Conjoint)
- Consumer decision modeling